Media estimate how much of his speech Poroshenko dedicated to Tomos

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko dedicated to the Tomos theme and plans to further influence the Church more than 10% in his speech on August 24 on the occasion of the Independence Day of Ukraine. Such statistics were published by the "1Kozak" journalists.

"An analysis of the text of the speech from the official website of the President indicates that Poroshenko paid 190 words or more than 10% of the 20-minute speech to the Church issue this year," experts of the "1Kozak" noted. "This is five times more than the attention paid by the acting President to the issue of energy independence (37 words, yes, again that we "do not buy gas from Russia for 1000 days") and almost twice as much as to the integration-economic questions (104 words)."

The journalists note that, in general, Poroshenko spoke almost as much about the Church and his determination in church matters at the parade of the "New Army" in honor of the Independence Day as, in fact, about the Ukrainian army and the military (about 204 words).

On August 24, in his speech at the parade in Kiev on the occasion of the Independence Day, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko stated the Tomos question is "from the same series as strengthening the army; that the protection of the language; that the struggle for membership in the European Union and NATO."

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