Those claiming Tomos will be granted believe in omnipotence of US, – expert

Political expert Konstantin Bondarenko

Patriarch Bartholomew is under political pressure within the framework of the ecclesiastical issue in Ukraine. This was stated by politologist, director of the Ukrainian Politics Foundation Konstantin Bondarenko in an interview with the outlet

"On one hand, the US State Department presses on Phanar," Bondarenko said. “Bartholomew is facing a big problem with the American parishes of Constantinople, where the archdiocese increasingly strives to become autonomous and independent of Phanar. The State Department blackmails Bartholomew with this issue. Accordingly, those in Ukraine, who claim that autocephaly will be granted, believe in the omnipotence of the United States."

According to the political expert, the issue of autocephaly can also be influenced by Turkish President Erdogan.

"Therefore, Poroshenko is also trying to enlist the support of Erdogan, sending out Turkish oppositionists from Ukraine – he is trying to show his loyalty to the Turkish government. But Erdogan has his own motives not to spur this matter. This also includes his reluctance to aggravate relations with Russia, confrontation between Turkey and Greece, and many other problems. That is, the issue of autocephaly goes far beyond the ecclesiastical plane and becomes an international problem," the expert concluded.

Earlier journalist Viacheslav Pikhovshek stated that the USA are putting pressure on the Patriarch of Constantinople in terms of creating a Single Local Church in Ukraine, actively swaying with the process via their diplomats. 

In mid-April, Poroshenko addressed Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople with a request to grant a tomos on autocephaly to the Church in Ukraine and announced the creation of a Single Local Church. The Verkhovna Rada supported the President's petition.

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