In Ovruch eparchy 37 laymen return from schism into the bosom of UOC

The Holy Protection Church and the UOC community in Krapivnia

The believers wrote a petition to Metropolitan Vissarion of Ovruch and Korosten, in which they explained their motives and asked them to accept them into the UOC, reports the website of the eparchy.

According to Bishop Vissarion, representatives of the Kiev Patriarchate have been in the village for ten years, but during this time they failed to build their own church. The priest of the UOC Fr. Gerasim organized the Holy Protection parish and built the church for 2.5 years.

As local residents report, a UOC KP cleric almost never comes to the village, "if there are any people left in that community, then about five people."

Metropolitan Vissarion wrote a resolution on the petition: "We gladly accept all of you in the canonical Ovruch eparchy of the UOC."

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