MPs ask Metropolitan Onufry not to interfere in church affairs

Andrey Parubiy, negatively disposed towards the canonical Church, is one of the first who signed the letter to the Primate of the UOC

The full text of the message by MPs to His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufry of Kiev and All Ukraine was published by the "Pressa Ukrainy".

People's deputies report, but do not quote the messages of electors, in which they complain about "intimidation" of the proponents of autocephaly by the UOC.

The MPs request the Metropolitan and the Church to sympathize with those believers who do not share the official position of the UOC on granting the Tomos.

At the same time, the deputies emphasize that they "deeply respect the constitutional principle of separating the Church from the state, the autonomy of religious organizations and their internal rules".

"The Parliament of Ukraine has never adopted and, we are convinced, will never adopt any decisions that would concern the attitudes of Churches and religious organizations, the instructions that determine the liturgical practice, the way of life of believers, or the elements of their clothing."

The deputies did not write how the anti-church bills happened to appear and why they are still awaiting consideration.

His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufry of Kiev and All Ukraine has repeatedly urged to love even those who "offer variants of church life – crooked paths that lead to nowhere."

"I, as a person, a priest, can say one thing – the way they [politicians] propose will bring us many restrictions," said His Beatitude in one of the sermons. "On this path, we will be second-class people, and on this path, it will be difficult to maintain the purity of faith. Therefore, we must protect what we have. And our Church has everything that is needed for salvation."

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