Public advocates report numerous violations of UOC believers’ rights to UN

The session of the UN Human Rights Council

Human rights defenders highlighted the conflict around the church of vlg. Ptichya and bills Nos. 4511, 4128, 5309, which are still under consideration by the Ukrainian Parliament, reports the organization's website.

At the 38th session of the UN Human Rights Council, which takes place from June 28 to July 6 in Geneva, representatives of the NGO "Public Human Rights" made statements regarding the ongoing conflict around the church of vlg. Ptichya of the Rovno region, which was unreasonably arrested by a court decision, and a special application was made in this case.

Other statements addressed to the UN Human Rights Council raised questions regarding bills Nos. 4511, 4128, 5309, which are still under consideration by the Ukrainian Parliament, despite the negative assessments of experts and human rights defenders.

The attention of the UN HRC and delegations of the states participating in the session was also drawn to violations such as the hate speech in the decisions of the regional councils of deputies, as well as in the mass media. The issue of the temples forcibly taken over during the period 2015-2018 in Western Ukraine was raised again, as well as the question of the ineffective investigation of criminal proceedings initiated by believers.

Earlier, the head of the NGO "Public Human Rights" Oleg Denisov said that the rhetoric of hatred and propaganda, as well as calls to commit offenses against the clergy of the UOC, are criminal activities. 

The NGO "Public Advocacy" is a non-governmental organization with a consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council and part of the international network of human rights organizations Publicadvocacynetwork.

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