Patriarch Theodoros II of Alexandria: Whims of politicians harm the Church

His Beatitude Patriarch Theodoros II of Alexandria and All Africa, a Greek theologian and missionary

Patriarch Theodoros II expressed such an opinion on the attempts to create the SLC in Ukraine when communicating with Metropolitan Luke of Zaporozhye and Melitopol, reports the site of the Zaporozhye eparchy of the UOC.

The Patriarch of Alexandria also noted that the interference of politicians in Church matters can only hurt the Church, rather than help Her. And all believers should remember that "even a hair cannot fall from our heads without the will of God" (see Matthew 10:29).

His Beatitude emphasized that the question of an autocephalous Ukrainian Church must be resolved through fraternal deliberation: "Let us pray to God, who does all for our good, that He would instruct us all for a solution to these problems. If the schismatic Denisenko wants to return to the bosom of the Church, then he must turn to where he left from. That which has fallen away must return to where it fell from. God is merciful to those who repent, and the Church forgives and receives in its motherly embrace all who repent."

His Beatitude Patriarch Theodoros II of Alexandria and All Africa offered words of support for His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufry of Kiev and All Ukraine, the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, and called on the bishops to adhere to their Primate, to follow his prayer feat, the firmness of faith and faithfulness to the Mother Church.

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