Fanar-caused religious war may start in Ukraine, – political expert

Viacheslav Pikhovshek on the air of the NewsOne channel

The actions of Constantinople can provoke persecutions of the canonical UOC, said Viacheslav Pikhovshek. On the air of ”NewsOne” channel the political expert reminded of a recent statement by Patriarch Bartholomew, in which the First Hierarch reported that it is the duty of Fanar to return the Ukrainian people to the truth and canonicity of the Church.

"A lot of questions arise," the political scientist said. Does the canonical Church in Ukraine no longer exist for Constantinople? It's just a wild "Byzantine". How can one do good with the help of evil? To return the schismatics to the fold of the canonical Church by launching persecutions against our canonical Church?”

According to Pikhovshek, in future a full-scale religious conflict may begin in Ukraine.

"Does Constantinople understand it?” the expert asks the question. “If it does, are they ready there to bear responsibility for the persecutions against the canonical Church in Ukraine? If they are, then the words said by Constantinople that its decisions in Ukraine are an attempt to heal the church schism are a not worth a dime. It is impossible to heal the split by a new division, which will be accompanied by the oppression of millions of Orthodox people in Ukraine."

Pihovshek reminded that in the interview to Ukrainskaya Pravda (newspaper) head of the UOC KP Filaret announced that in the event of granted autocephaly, the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church will be deprived of its name and sanctities – the Lavras.

"This will happen in the same way as it happened in different regions of Ukraine in recent years, when the Orthodox temples were taken in a forceful way," the expert said. "The monasteries are going to face it similarly: radicals, assault, and blood shedding of believers."

According to Pikhovshek, the idea autocephaly in Ukraine does not find support in the Universal Orthodoxy.

"Eight of the fifteen Churches stand against this adventure of Fanar. If we take into account the fact that the closest ally of Constantinople, the Church of Greece refused to openly support Fanar on the Ukrainian issue, then the picture looks quite depressing for the supporters of autocephaly," the expert stressed.

Previously, Pikhovshek said that America puts presssure on Constantinople regarding the SLC issue.

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