Primate of UOC calls on authorities not to allow "March of Equality"

His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufry of Kiev and All Ukraine

Public and unconcealed propaganda for sin can inflict irreparable harm on the souls of our children and bring the wrath of God to the Ukrainian land. This is stated in the appeal of the Primate of the UOC to the faithful sons of God and representatives of the city authorities on the occasion of the "March of Equality" in Kiev on June 17, 2018.

Respecting the worldview of other people, the Church believes that they should not propagate sinful perversions, since it is unacceptable to equate sin with God's gift of freedom.

"The Holy Orthodox Church, founded by our Lord Jesus Christ and guided by the action of the Holy Spirit, has been guarding the purity of the gospel truths for centuries. For centuries, our grandparents and forefathers have held sacred and passed on to their descendants family values, family traditions built on the commandments of God. The institution of the family as a union of man and woman was established and consecrated by God Himself. And today we, Orthodox Ukrainians, cannot silently observe traditional family relationships trampled and degrade. Attempts are made to impose not only alien, but sinful worldviews," emphasized His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufry of Kiev and All Ukraine.

According to him, the Church believes that the holding of the "March of Equality" is a public and frank propaganda of sin, in particular sexual perversions, which can "bring the wrath of God to the Ukrainian land, on which the innocent blood of Ukrainians has been shed for several years now. The Holy Scriptures strongly condemns Sodom's sin and any other unnatural deviations."

"Feeling responsibility before God and people, caring for the present and future generations, we ask you, dear officials, not to allow the march of representatives of LGBT communities in the capital of our state, the city of Kiev," called His Beatitude.

The Primate of the UOC said that a moleben for the preservation of Christian family values and granting peace in Ukraine will be held near the worship cross in Mariinsky Park of Kiev at 14:30 on June 17. In the churches and monasteries of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, it is blessed to offer prayers so that the Lord will not allow Sodom's sins to spread among our people.

"We believe that the fervent prayers of believers, the wisdom and balance of our leadership will be the key to the mercy and blessings of God for the glorious city of Kiev and the Ukrainian land," the Primate concluded.

A recent survey of the UOC on the Web showed that Ukrainians in the majority share traditional views on the relationship between the sexes and take the demonstration of same-sex relationships negatively.

On June 17 in Kiev, representatives of LGBT are preparing to hold the "March of Equality" - "Kievpride." Last year about 2 thousand people took part in the march.

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