Korchynsky urges supporters of autocephaly to "burn priests' beards with love"

Leader of the radical organization "Bratstvo" Dmytro Korchynsky

Korchynsky sees the main goal of autocephaly as "deepening the conflict between global Orthodoxy and the Moscow heresy", reports the YouTube channel "Vsesvitno-Brovarske Telebachennia".

"If there is a Moscow priest next to you, burn his beard – figuratively speaking, of course, not literally, but kindly, with God in your soul, with love. Now you can do this not just as nationalist scoundrels, but now you can do it as a supporter of Ecumenical Orthodoxy," the nationalist said.

According to the leader of the radical organization "Bratstvo," Petro Poroshenko reached an agreement in Turkey with Patriarch Bartholomew that "we will now have a canonical Local Orthodox Church."

"I have to tell you, no matter how you feel about Petro Oleksiyovych, if he succeeds in this, then he will be considered equal to the apostles," the nationalist noted in the video "Christ and Poroshenko", suggesting people already start choosing an image of Poroshenko for an icon.

"Your children will pray to the icon of Petro Oleksiyovych, which will hang in the church when icons of Nicholas II the Passion-Bearer are replaced in churches. There is already someone to replace him," Korchynsky believes.

He also noted that every patriot of Ukraine must unite with the Ecumenical Orthodoxy by destroying the Moscow Church.

"The Ukrainian state must become involved in church matters, even if you are atheists. It is beneficial for us that the Ecumenical Patriarch is in a bitter conflict with the Moscow Patriarchate. We strengthen the Ecumenical Patriarchate with our participation. In this way, we deepen the conflict between global Orthodoxy and the Moscow heresy, and we tear a significant part of the public away from Moscow's structures here in Ukraine," Korchynsky said.

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