Poroshenko gets compromised by taking the Holy Communion at UOC monastery

Poroshenko has not been to the Holy Trinity Monastery of Jonah for several years now

On April 8, a video of the Communion of Petro and Maria Poroshenko was posted on the popular video hosting Youtube during the Easter service at the Holy Trinity Jonah Monastery of the UOC, which was released back in 2011. Provocateurs, with the help of a video editor, retouched the word "live" on a standard screen plate of the 5th channel and replaced it with the date of 8/04/2018. Thus, the authors of the fake tried to demonstrate a "special" attitude of the President to the UOC in the current situation.

"Having taken the sacrament of the Holy Communion in the # UOCMP, Petro Poroshenko once again stressed that he is a parishioner of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate only," reads a "compromising" signature of the video, published on behalf of the "Ukrainian realities" account. By the way, it is obvious that it was created especially for this "compromising video", because the user has no other files in the profile.

Despite this, the video in some way has managed to get tens of thousands of views within three days, provoking outraged comments of nationalists and supporters of the Kyiv Patriarchate.

In fact, at Easter services in 2018, Peter Poroshenko and his family visited the St. Vladimir Cathedral of the Kyiv Patriarchate, the monastery of St. Basil the Great of UGCC, and the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra of the UOC.

It should be noted that during his visit to Mariupol on April 1, Petro Poroshenko prayed in the UOC Cathedral of Archangel Michael, which caused outspoken discontent among the nationalists. Also, the frames of the President's visit to this church were included in his Easter greeting. The source at the President’s Administration told that though “not everybody” is going to like any reference to the UOC, its parishioners also “deserve respect.”

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