Pro-family petition "violating LGTB rights" removed from President's site

The author of the petition demands that the leadership of the country should "stop the propaganda of homosexuality in Ukraine and protect traditional family values"

The author of petition No. 22/042484-еп "On the prohibition of propaganda of homosexuality", which suddenly disappeared from the site of Petro Poroshenko after it had been signed by thousands of Ukrainians, received a letter with explanations from the Presidential Administration. It states that the Petition allegedly violates the rights of LGBT communities.

As follows from the letter by the acting head the Administration of the President of Ukraine (APU) Konstantin Kokarev, the basis for such a decision was the relevant appeal of Oksana Filipishina, the representative of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for Human Rights on gender equality issues.

O. Filipishina, in her letter to the APU, expressed the opinion that the petition contains signs of incitement to discrimination on the basis of the so-called "sexual orientation and gender identity (belonging to the LGBT community)".

The author of the petition, Victor Tantsiura, is now consulting with lawyers, and other believers ask the President to return the document to the APU site.

"We believe that the position and statements of the civil servant Filipishina are a manifestation of discrimination and impatience towards the author of the Petition and tens of thousands of signers, families, parents and children in Ukraine. In our opinion, her actions discredit the public authorities of Ukraine, contradict common sense, legislation and national interests of Ukraine," says the appeal of Ukrainians to Petro Poroshenko.

We recall that the faithful of different denominations urged Poroshenko in the petition removed from the President’s site to correct some points in the action plan for the implementation of the National Human Rights Strategy for the period until 2020.

At the time of its disappearance, the petition collected about 22,837 signatures out of the 25,000 required for its consideration.

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