Shevchuk blames Russia and Germany for feud between Ukrainians and Poles

Shevchuk accused Russians and Germans of the enmity between Ukraine and Poland

According to the leader of the UGCC, whose members are notable for their radical nationalist rhetoric, the basis of the "new identity" of Ukrainian society "is not extreme nationalism, but values that we call European."

He explains that Ukrainians and Poles "were separated not only by the Russian Soviets, but also by German Nazis."

Shevchuk also asserts that in Ukraine until 2014, the "ideology of the division of nations and the manipulation of historical truth" was practiced.

Meanwhile, representatives of the UGCC are known for their nationalist statements. In fact, one of the raiders of the Annunciation temple of the UOC in Kolomyia, Mikhail Arsenich, called "to take up arms" to "make sure that tomorrow neither the Chinese, nor the Negro, nor the Jew, or the Muscovite will come to take his house."

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UOJ journalist Volodymyr Bobechko released on bail

Finally, Volodymyr can embrace his loved ones and family.

In Ukraine, SBU blocks websites covering the activities of UOC

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Ukraine plans to introduce a system of total surveillance over citizens

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SBU charges man with inciting religious hatred

It is reported that the suspect disseminated information on social media denying the legality of religious communities' activities.

Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra Reserve decides to study and "protect" Lavra caves

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A church built by persecuted UOC community burned down in Volyn

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