UN expresses concern about the campaign of intolerance against UOC

"S14" blocked the entrance to the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra

In the Report on the Human Rights Situation in Ukraine by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) for the period of November 16, 2017 – February 15, 2018, human rights activists speak of a "campaign" of intolerance against the UOC.

The report documents cases of violation of the rights of believers, including offences of right-wing radicals from S14 "Sich".

"On 8 January 2018, several dozen members of S14 blocked the entrance and road to the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra… Members of S14 behaved aggressively, inciting violence and physically threatening those expressing opposing views. While the incident continued for over an hour, law enforcement authorities did not intervene. The same day, S14 announced on social media that this action was only the beginning of a protest campaign, and threatened to conduct further, larger “protests” in multiple locations," the report says.

Human rights activists mention attempts to set fire to the Tithes Church in Kiev and St. Vladimir’s Church in Lvov belonging to the UOC: "OHCHR is concerned that law enforcement agencies did not take effective measures to prevent such acts, to thoroughly investigate them and to bring those responsible to justice."

The report also documents the case of the "S14" attack on the office of the information site of the Union of Orthodox Journalists, which publishes information about the UOC.

Earlier, the NGO "Public Advocacy" reported that cases of discrimination against believers of the UOC would be considered at the UN.

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