Statement on violations of rights of UOJ journalists submitted to UN HRC

Honoring the right to freedom of speech must be ensured by the state

In the framework of the 37th session of the UN HRC, human rights defenders submitted a separate statement saying that the attack on the UOJ office violates the rights of journalists who inform the society about discrimination of Orthodox Christians. This is reported by the website

"Observance of the right to freedom of speech should be provided by the state especially with regard to journalists and human rights defenders working in the field of humanitarian and religious values," the website of human rights activists says. "The violent pressure of offenders, which is aimed at intimidating or limiting the ability to disseminate information, undermines the basis of state security and destroys the democratic principles of the development of society."

"Union of Orthodox Journalists" is an organization that for a long time has been informing the Ukrainian society about religious issues and therefore, the state should ensure the protection of freedom of speech for representatives of this organization, as well as for other representatives of the journalistic profession, the Public Advocacy emphasizes.

The full text of the statement is available here.

The Human Rights Council is an international human rights body under the UN General Assembly. NGO Public Advocacy has submitted a statement in accordance with its mandate to consider reports of violations of law and threats to peace and stability.

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