In Gribovitsa Kiev Patriarchate supporters return to UOC community

In Gribovitsa, Kiev Patriarchate supporters have returned to the UOC community

In many respects this became possible because the UOC, having lost the temple as a result of the raids of the Kyiv Patriarchate, built a new church in Gribovitsa for its parishioners in a short time, reports a UOJ correspondent.

According to the head of the Holy Protection community of the UOC, Protopriest Igor Margita, after the scandalous invasion of UOC KP supporters to the church house and the priest's family moving out of the village, the liturgical schedule of the community of the canonical Church did not change. "We keep coming to minister in the new church, people actively attend the service, and even several people who fell in schism have returned to us," Father Igor said.

As for the opponents, the supporters of the Kyiv Patriarchate again have a new clergyman, the third one since 2015. The previous rector of the UOC KP, who was registered in Gribovitsa when his parishioners seized the church house of the UOC community, did not settle in it and has recently moved to another parish.

In the ancient Orthodox Holy Protection Church, a new rector from the Lvov city of Sokal is now going to serve. He is to move into the infamous house, which all this time – almost six months after the priest of the UOC was forced to leave it – has been uninhabited.

In addition, the village started talking about the need to allocate 30 thousand hryvnias from the local council’s budget for repairs in the temple. At the same time, the financing must be done very promptly, as in connection with the reform of local self-government, the Gribovitsa village council is subject to liquidation: recently the village community has held a meeting, where it was finally decided to transfer this territory to the joint community of the district centre – Ivanychi village.

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