Media: Prince Vladimir called "impostor", his monument demanded to be dismantled

"Vesti" journalists have found out the reason for the appearance of a petition demanding to dismantle a monument to the baptizer of Rus, Prince Vladimir the Great, on the Kyiv Сity Сouncil's site.

The initiator of the petition explains his desire to demolish the monument by the fact that at the time of the baptism of Rus the main canon of Christianity was violated - the voluntary choice of faith.

The petition, in particular, says: "Therefore, a monument to the prince-usurper of the people's power, built during the reign of the tsarist satraps of Muscovy in Kiev (1853, under Tsar Nicholas I), when everything really Ukrainian was persecuted and punished (Shevchenko then was in exile in Kazakhstan), but not dismantled (which is very revealing) by atheistic Soviet power (which also came to us from Russia) is openly inappropriate as a sign of all-round humiliation of the dignity of Kievites and, in general, of Ukrainianness."

Director of the Institute of National Memory Vladimir Viatrovich called the initiative to dismantle the monument to Vladimir absurd.

Political scientist Andrei Zolotarev commented on this initiative to "Vesti": "The same Khmelnitsky is being turned back and forth, and then they will suggest removing it altogether as "the wrong". But, as a matter of fact, while some are sawing pedestals of monuments, others are sawing the budget."

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