60 thousand voters call on deputies to revoke anti-church bills

More than 60,000 voters signed an appeal to people's deputies of Ukraine to revoke or not to vote for anti-church bills Nos. 4128 and 5309, reports “Ukrainian News”.

The voters believe that anti-church bills Nos. 4128 and 5309 were negatively assessed by the Main Scientific and Expert Department of the Verkhovna Rada, an anti-corruption committee, and incite religious hatred in Ukraine.

According to the organizer of the collection of signatures Galina Sumenkova, relevant appeals were sent to the heads of all fractions of the Verkhovna Rada and 31 deputies.

The signatures were collected throughout Ukraine, in particular in Kiev, Zhitomir, Volyn, Rivne and other regions.

Earlier, international non-governmental human rights organizations have appealed to the Ukrainian authorities to stop discrimination against the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and withdraw bills Nos. 4128, 4511, 5309 aimed at restricting rights and discriminating against religious organizations of the UOC.

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