Patriarch Bartholomew calls for cessation of war in Ukraine and dialogue

Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople in his message on the occasion of the 84th anniversary of the Ukrainian Holodomor appealed to all people of goodwill "for the cessation of the war, aggression and ongoing violence in Ukraine". The message is published on the site of the Constantinople Patriarchate.

"One of the greatest atrocities of the 20th century", Patriarch Bartholomew called the tragic events in Ukraine during the years 1932-1933.

"While prayerfully commemorating the atrocity of famine, we would also like to make a prayerful appeal to all people of goodwill for the cessation of the war, aggression and ongoing violence in Ukraine, as well as to underscore the importance of respecting human rights and dignity, most especially of the prisoners of war, for whose safety and release we Orthodox pray for at every divine service" the Patriarch said in his message.

He is convinced that crimes witnessed in the early 20th century should not be repeated once again. "Let us all, each from our own standpoint, personally and collectively, work to de-escalate tension and cultivate dialogue and mutual understanding," stated the Primate of the Church of Constantinople.

Earlier, the Ecumenical Patriarch said that he was praying for the unity of Ukrainian people and for peace in Ukraine, and he also hoped for the end of the fratricidal war.

Also, the Patriarch of Constantinople believes that from the religious point of view, any war should be regarded as civil, and where people turn away from dialogue, its place is taken by destruction and death.

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