Polish priest believes Viatrovich is a "dwarf Goebbels"

The proposals of the director of the Ukrainian Institute of the National Memory Vladimir Viatrovich to end the "war of monuments" with Poland are completely unacceptable. The burial of victims is not a topic for negotiations. This was said by the well-known Polish public figure and publicist, priest Tadeusz Isakowicz-Zaleski in an interview with the Polish edition Do Rzeczy, reports RIA Novosti Ukraine.

"This is a dispicable blackmail, which is not appropriate for the country that claims to be a EU member. Kiev has no right to impose conditions on us, has no right to dictate what we should do to achieve such an elementary thing as the burial of the victims of the genocide’s remains," the priest emphasized.

Isakovich-Zaleski claims that Viatrovich's words about 15 Ukrainian monuments that have been demolished in Poland over the last three years, including those on graves, do not correspond to reality. "Viatrovich is a" dwarf Goebbels"," he said, adding that it is difficult to conduct a dialogue with a liar.

According to him, despite the fact that Poland and Ukraine have spent 25 years building up the appearance of friendship, this "ended in complete failure" because of funding the spread of the UPA cult on the territory of Eastern Galicia and Volyn by the Ukrainian diaspora in the US and Canada. He explained that it was expanded to the whole territory of Ukraine by ex-president Viktor Yushchenko.

Earlier, in July 2016, the Sejm of Poland recognized July 11 as a national day of memory of the victims of the genocide committed by Ukrainian nationalists against the inhabitants of the II Polish Republic in 1943-1945. In turn, the Ukrainian parliament adopted a statement condemning the decision of the Sejm to recognize the "Volyn massacre" as genocide.

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