Ministry of Culture disrupts elections of director of Kiev-Pechersk Reserve for the third time

The contract with the Director General of the Kiev-Pechersk Reserve terminates on September 4. As a UOJ correspondent reports, members of the commission from the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine for the third time did not appear at the meeting, where the selection board was to decide who would head the largest museum complex in the country.

Representatives of the Ministry of Culture disrupted the elections: the selection board could not collect a quorum. The commission includes three representatives from the Reserve, three representatives from the Ministry of Culture and three representatives from public organizations.

Alexander Kulikovsky (public organization "All-Ukrainian Lustration") chained himself to the stairs and said that he would not move from his seat until the issue of the Director General's elections was resolved.

Representatives of public organizations believe that the Ministry of Culture disrupts the election in order to appoint "their" person for the post and with his help implement illegal construction in the buffer zone of the museum complex. They note that without holding legal competitions in other institutions and organizations of the cultural sphere ("Old Uman", "Chernigov Ancient" reserves, the reserve in Glukhov and others), the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine assigned persons who had not applied for the competition to fill managerial positions, that is, this practice has already been tested by the Ministry of Culture.

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