In Kiev hierarchs of Local Churches revere Venerable Anthony of Kiev Caves

On July 22, on the eve of the Holiday of Venerable Anthony of Kiev Caves, patron of all Russian monks, His Beatitude Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine Onuphry held an all-night vigil at the Holy Assumption Cathedral of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. It is reported by the Information and Education Department of the UOC.

His Beatitude was co-served by representatives of the Local Orthodox Churches and the host of the UOC hierarchs, including Metropolitan Timothy of Vostra (Jerusalem's Orthodox Church), Metropolitan Nahum of Ruse (Bulgarian Orthodox Church), Metropolitan Isaiah of Tamassos and Oreini (Cyprus Orthodox Church), Metropolitan George of Kitrus, Katherine and Platamon (Hellas Orthodox Church), Archbishop George of Wroclaw and Szczecin (Polish Orthodox Church).

On July 23, the festivities continued with the Divine Liturgy on the square in front of the Assumption Cathedral, after which the cross procession to the Near (Anthony’s) Caves took place.

From his young age, the ascetic wanted to serve God in a monastic order. By the providence of God Monk Anthony was honored to take monastic vows in the Holy Mount Athos. There he received a command from the abbot to return to his homeland and perform his monastic feat among the fellow countrymen. Together with this blessing, the future founder of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery received a prophetic message from the hegumen, "May the blessing of the Holy Mount Athos be upon you, many monks will arise from you." Later the monk established the first Russian monastery – the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, and was glorified by the Church as the head of all Russian monks.

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