Metropolitan Anthony (Pakanich): in Ukraine there is already a Local Church – UOC

Many people say a lot about the unification of the Churches in Ukraine, but structures that are not canonical do everything to prevent this unity. This was told in an interview to Pravmir by the UOC Chancellor, Metropolitan of Boryspil and Brovary Anthony.

"No one for some reason says that in Ukraine there already exists the Local Church – the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which originates from the Baptism of Rus. Those structures that have broken away from the body of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church deliberately "warm up" the situation of confrontation in society, thereby creating a spirit of hatred and nationalism that is not inherent in our people.

Split is the pain of every believing person, this is an unnatural condition. And the Ukrainian Orthodox Church has done and continues to do everything to enable those people who for some reason found themselves outside the canonical Church to enter this fertile realm where the Lord acts through the Church Sacraments.

Unfortunately, the situation in recent years shows that a lot talk about the unification of the Churches in Ukraine, but structures that are not canonical do everything to prevent this unity.

For the most part, it is precisely in these non-canonical structures that aggressive claims to our Church are artificially created. In order for people to hear each other, we need an elementary human relationship, constructive negotiations. Yet when your counterpart does not just want to see you as an enemy, but declares it categorically everywhere, creates myths and blatantly slanders, it is very difficult to agree on something.

Any agreement provides, above all, trust. Empty words do not give any ground for overcoming the split. In addition, it takes time for aggression to abate and real actions appear.

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