Kiev Lavra congratulates Great Patriotic War veterans

Brethren of the social department of the Holy Dormition Kiev-Pechersk Lavra visited elderly people residing in a retirement home in the village of Gruzskoye of the Makarov district, Kiev region. Among them there are heroes-veterans of the Great Patriotic War, participants in military actions, writes the Lavra website.

"Some have already marked the 100th anniversary, but they are still young at heart! In the time that separates us from the legendary 1945, more than one generation has grown. Boys and girls, mature men and women who defended their homeland at the fronts in those years and did not spare their strength and health in the rear, working only to meet the Victory! And the memory of this great day is not fading," the authors write.

Hieromonk Makariy, accompanied by Archpriest Andrey, the rector of the Archangel Michael of God Church in this village, Olga Mikhailovna, who in every way helps in the social activities of the Pechersk Monastery, came with congratulations and gifts.

The guests were met by the whole community – the director, personnel and residents of the house. After cordial greetings, the clergy blessed veterans with icons, handed over fruit, cookies, and medicines, wished everyone good health and a lot of good years, patience and wholehearted hope for the help of God.

Among those who received congratulations were former veterans of the Great Patriotic War and nurses who saved the lives of soldiers. As a token of gratitude to the guests, the veterans performed a war song.

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