Mass grave of Soviet soldiers vandalized in Kharkov

The unknown in Kharkov city damaged the mass grave of Soviet soldiers and a tomb of Marshal Yuriy Bazhanov. It was written by press secretary of Kharkov City Council Yuriy Sidorenko on his Facebook page.

According to Yuriy, this is the third incident over the last 6 months.

“It is for the third time in half a year – first it took place in November 2016, then a month ago, and the last time – they vandalized the bed of honor where 610 liberators of Kharkov city are buried, together with the tomb of Marshal Bazhanov.They take off letters, a star from the eternal flame and damage the flame itself.

The police, naturally, cannot find anybody. Today everything will be immediately restored. If somebody has seen something – please report to the police,” he wrote.

According to mass media, on May 3rd in Nezhyn, Chernigov region, the monument to Soviet singer and actor Mark Bernes was stolen. Later the bronze monument was found in the field outside the city in a damaged condition: the arm, the coat and a part of the guitar had been knocked off.

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