UOJ Primate: Man who fulfills foreordination finds inner peace

Man who begins to follow the foreordination he is created for by the Lord finds peace of mind. It was said by His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry during his sermon on the day of Holy Myrrh-Bearers, reports the UOC Information and Education Department.

“When a human fulfills the foreordination he is meant for by the Lord he finds inner peace. He finds himself; he is no longer pacing in this world looking for somebody or something. He is calm because he has found his destination,” emphasized the Archpastor.

According to His Beatitude Metropolitan, such foreordination for a woman is bearing and bringing up her children.

“A woman fulfills this mission like nobody else – she gives birth to children. She raises them so that they could become good sons and daughters of the Church, good citizens of their country,” said the Primate. “There are people who do great things: they produce missiles, planes, computers etc. But a woman bears a new human into the world – this is beyond any man-made creations.”

A woman who fulfills this mission receives lots of grace from God,” stressed His Beatitude.

“I would like to congratulate you, dear sisters in Christ, dear female Christians, on your Woman’s Day. May the Lord through the prayers of the Holy Myrrh-Bearers help each of you to fulfill the mission God lays on a woman: to be a faithful wife, a good mother and a caregiver for her children,” said Metropolitan Onuphry.

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