What will rejection of Christian values lead Europe to?

What will a flow of migrants bring Europe and why, after abandoning Christianity, it will not stand.

The events taking place in the modern world are explained from completely different points of view. Political scientists, sociologists, economists, financiers try to find the reasons and predict the development of events, using the methodology and principles of their own science. Who of us did not hear phrases such as: "The war in Iraq is a war for oil!", "The reason for everything is a conspiracy of bankers!", "The economic model has exhausted itself!", etc.

These and other common phrases explain everything very reasonably, logically and ... erroneously.

The profound causes of all that is happening in the history of mankind lie in the religious field. Without going into justification of this postulate in this article, we give one clear example of how the state policy is determined by a single verse of Scripture written millennia ago.

The state is Israel, and the verse is the following: "And the Lord appeared to Abram and said [to him]: To your descendants I will give this land" (Genesis 12, 7). One more verse can be cited: "I will multiply your seed as the stars of the heavens, and all this land that I have spoken of will I give to your seed, and they shall inherit it forever." (Exodus 32, 13).

It is this and nothing else that defines the internal and external policies of modern Israel. Its relations with the Arab world, the fight against terrorist groups, the construction of settlements on the West Bank of the River Jordan contrary to international law and the occupation of the Golan Heights and others. Israeli politicians can talk about democracy, about security, about justice, etc. They may be believers, atheists, they may simply not attach importance to the Sacred Texts. But all the activities of Israel, and all its relations with the Arab world and other nations, will still be based on these words: "… all this land that I have spoken of I will give to your seed, and they shall inherit it forever." Anyone who wants to work hard to consider all the major events in the history of Israel over the past half-century will see the validity of this statement.

But this article is not about Israel. It's about Europe and the threadbare issue of "illegal migrants". It's not a secret for anybody what problems migration from the Islamic world brings to Europe. In this case, it is an umbrella term, which includes Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan, and many other countries that are unlike each other. These migrants in the majority prefer not to work, live on very impressive social benefits and actively multiply. It is enough to look at the statistics of the birth rate by ethnic groups in Europe.

It is also not a secret that in a well-fed, rich Europe there is a mass closure of Christian churches (due to the lack of believers) and, for the time being, not mass, but steadily gaining momentum, the construction of mosques. Terrorist acts, pogroms, rape, arson of cars and other disgrace occur in European countries with sad regularity.

What is the reason for such rejection, such hostility against the indigenous Europeans from these illegal migrants. The former has sheltered them, fed, dressed, and paid benefits. Why do they receive aggression instead of gratitude?

"Look at the root!", as Kozma Prutkov said.

To understand the way Islamic migrants look at indigenous Europeans, it must be remembered that from the point of view of the Muslim religion all people are divided into three categories: the faithful (Muslim), the infidels (kafirs) and the people of the Scripture (ahl al-kitab) – Jews and Christians who worship the Divine Scripture (Old Testament).

Islam prohibits Muslims from insulting or encroaching on the lives, property, honor and dignity of the people of Scripture. If Christians or Jews live in an Islamic state, they have the right to freely profess their religion (but not to convert Muslims into it). In return, they must pay a special tax (jizya).

As for the infidels, their lot is unenviable. This is evidenced both by the sacred texts of Islam, and by the shocking practice. In short, this can be expressed by the phrase: they should not be. So, from this point of view, "enlightened" Europeans, having abandoned the Christian basis of their civilization, have transferred themselves in the eyes of Muslims from the category of people of Scripture to the category of infidels, with all the ensuing consequences.

The present Europe already lives in the so-called post-Christian civilization. Homosexual marriages, restrictions on the demonstration of Christian symbols, free "love", empty churches, and the official ideology of European countries clearly show that Christianity has "outlived its time". Europe for some reason is very proud of this, completely unaware that it is precisely Christianity that is the cornerstone, without which it will inevitably perish under the onslaught of immigrants from Islamic countries.

To confront this onslaught, one must clearly understand what we are protecting? Human rights? Financial well-being? Economic indicators? Democracy? There is a famous phrase from one of the Muslim leaders: "We will defeat you because we are fighting for our God, and you are for gasoline in your petrol tanks." One must defend one’s religion and faith.

Modern Europeans have nothing to defend ...

Against the backdrop of these two European trends – deviation from Christian values and creeping Islamization – the Ukrainian society faces a very difficult problem of choice. And the choice is the following: it is possible, being tempted by the seeming material welfare of Europe, to try to repeat its path: secularization – degradation of the Christian foundations – destruction of its civilizational code – transformation into kafirs – death. And you can move in the opposite direction: to return the basic Christian values to the sphere of family relations, education, social sector, economy, politics, after all! To enable the Church to raise its voice among the flow of information carrying in our heads the propaganda of violence, filth, worship of the "golden calf". And to withstand! To survive as a people, as a Christian state, as a part, and perhaps even as the core of Orthodox civilization.

You say it's impossible? And how was it possible to stand in the Orthodox faith in the Rzeczpospolita and Brest Union? After all, we were also drawn to Europe. And the cost of this Europeanization was the rejection of our faith and our self-consciousness. The Ukrainian Cossacks so much praised today arose as a way of fighting against the then- Europeanization and Catholicization. And they survived!

But for the time being we are striving hard towards Europe ...

And finally, we quote the saying of such an odious financier as George Soros. In an interview with the German edition of WirtschaftsWoche Heute, he said that Ukraine is striving towards Europe, which DOES NOT EXIST ANY MORE.

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