Image of Holy Virgin appeared on the wall of UOC temple in Kamenskoye, – mass media

In the temple of Prince Igor of Kiev and Chernigov of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, located between the third and fifth micro districts of Kamenskoye left bank an Image of Godmother appeared on one of the walls, writes Event today.

The image was discovered during the patronal holiday and was nearly wiped off by old ladies who helped every year to clean the temple and paint its walls.

Local citizen Vitaliy N. is sure that an obscure image which appeared on the wall behind the icon of the Holy Virgin is a miracle. Vitaiy volunteers in the temple and was the one to take off the icon behind which the image was discovered.”I want as many people as possible to know about the occurrence, since it is a true miracle,” says the man to the invited journalist. Senior father Igor Dodivets comments the event in a more reserved way, not excluding a divine nature of the phenomenon.

“We know similar cases in Ukraine. For instance, a glass-imprinted image in one of Kiev monasteries – in our case we have it on the wall. It’s complicated to explain what has happened. Most of us lead a mundane busy life. People tend to believe in miracles and omens to foster their faith.

Therefore God sends us such signs for us to witness them and make our faith stronger. The Image of the Holy Virgin is rather significant to Ukraine: She is a guardian of Cossacks and the Ukrainian Army. Many households have similar icons. By Her appearance the Mother of God showed us She prays for us and covers us with Her omophorion. God sends us these omens for a human to ponder on his living,” said father Igor.

Journalists say that the contour imprint place is not directly hit by the sun, while the icon itself is not transparent and its back is tightly covered with plywood which has no traces at all.

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