I am sure: Denisenko does not believe in God, – Metropolitan Amphilochius of Montenegro (VIDEO)

Metropolitan Amphilochius of Montenegro and the Littoral of the Serbian Orthodox Church told the UOJ correspondent that in his opinion, leader of the UOC KP Filaret does not believe in God.

«Nobody has the right to do what is done, unfortunately, by this Denisenko. It is sad for I know him personally. When he used to be the Metropolitan of Moscow Patriarchy, candidate for the position of the Moscow Patriarch, I met with him. And I think if he had been elected then, there wouldn't have been any Kiev Patriarchate. I have said it alreadt and must say it again: I doubt that Denisenko has faith in God,» claimed the Metropolitan of Montenegro.

«When I saw him asking for weapons in America to kill his people and continue this blood-shedding fratricidal war in Ukraine, I could hardly believe it! It's a shame! This person cannot believe in God. May God give him repentance. As a physical person he can live as he pleases, but he used his post of Kiev Metropolitan to commit a schism,» said His Eminence.

«The most dreadful schism ever is a spiritual one. He tore the Holy Robe of Jesus Christ in Ukraine, Kievan Rus. For the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra is a pearl of the entire Ecumenical Orthodoxy. This is not just about Ukraine only, but the whole Orthodox Church and the world. Shame on him if he dares commit such wrongdoings against his nation, his Church!» continued the hierarch.

«His Kiev Patriarchate lives on hatred. How can he serve a Liturgy feeling hostile towards his brethren in Christ? Cannot he think it is the future of Ukraine and Ukrainian nation?

Therefore I ask myself a question: how is this Denisenko going to stand in the face of Jesus Christ at the Last Judgement? After all these evil deeds he perpetrates against himself, his people, the Church of Christ in Ukraine – how is he going to meet with God when he dies?

He is used to being on friendly footing with Poroshenko, other politicians and searching for their assistance. But now he has to seek help from God. I sincerely wish him and his followers to get rid of lie, hatred on which they are trying to build the future of Ukriane, Ukrainian citizens and Ukrainian Orthodox Church. I do hope God will also help these schismatics.

Forgive me my saying in this way, but by breaking the Church away from the unity of the Kievan Rus descendants Denisenko serves Satan. May God bring him to senses. And may He help us be sensible to be able to distinguish between churchly and national,» concluded Metropolitan Amphilochius.

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