ROC Primate compares events in Ukraine with revolution of 1917

Patriarch Kirill compared the situation in the east of Ukraine with revolutionary years in Russia when «brother will betray brother to death» and innocent people were caused to suffer, reports RIA News

"We shudder when we hear the news on the developments in the east of Ukraine. We can see its citizens being affected by the infighting. Let’s fancy the same country-wide infighting in the revolutionary years: when brother betrayed brother to death, when blood was shed, when there was place for atrocities”, said the Patriarch after the divine worship in Christ the Saviour Church.

During the revolution of 1917 the state power, as the Patriarch remarked, "appeared dysfunctional", while people's expectations "were not met". The power, according to His Holiness, was not able to change anything at that moment and "merely collapsed on its own".

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