War is the result of separation from God, – hierarch of the Church

All that happens to a particular individual and society as a whole always has God's hidden plan and providence. So Metropolitan Mitrofan of Lugansk and Alchevsk commented to a UOJ correspondent on the events in the east of Ukraine.

"The Lord sends us trials to ensure that we are strengthened in faith or to make us repent and leave the path of sin and untruth and return to the path of truth and salvation, – said Metropolitan Mitrofan. – Indeed, it happens that unless we face something serious requiring help from above, we forget about God, forget about the Church and forget about prayer. Therefore, the Lord "shakes" us to awaken us from this sinful sleep so that we take a closer look at ourselves first and foremost. "

The bishop believes that what is happening around us today – wars, confrontation, hatred to each other – all lies in the human heart.

"Not accidentally, Rev. Seraphim said, "Acquire the spirit of peace and thousands around you will be saved." What we see – these wars, these confrontations – this is a manifestation of what is hidden in the human heart, in the human soul, – said the Metropolitan of Lugansk and Alchevsk. – Therefore, all these factors make us take a closer look at our inner world. Have an unbiased look at ourselves in the light of the Gospel commandments. After all, what is happening is the result of the fact that we have separated from God, from His Divine law, that we live to please our ambitions and sinful inclinations, habits and passions. So the Lord slightly corrects our wrong path and tries to guide us on the path of Salvation. Apparently, there are no other means left to turn us in another direction so that we go to God and not from God. That is why He sends, perhaps, hard, from a human point of view, trials. But probably, only they can make us think of eternity, of Salvation."

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