Six unknown tried to rob and burn the UOC shrine in Kiev

On 18 January nearly 5 a.m. the unknown made an attempt to break into Kiev-based church of Bogolubskaya icon of the Holy Virgin. According to the UOJ source, there were likely six offenders. The church is located in Lukyanovka, on the territory of Kiev city clinical infectious diseases hospital for children.

“Our duty man heard somebody knocking on the church walls,” tells senior father, priest Viacheslav Patrichenko. “He came outside and saw six men on the church territory. Those, who were tinkering around the door did not apparently expect somebody to come from the opposite direction.”

The unwanted guests told the man “they had come to a church service.” At the same time they quickly turned round and left.

The man on duty found out the glass on the church icon was broken, while the corner of the wooden church was poured amply with petrol. A big petrol spot was found on the other part of the church too.

The senior priest filed an application to the police upon the fact.

Over the year of 2016 malefactors undertook three attempts to commit a theft in the church of Bogolubskaya icon of the Mother of God.

As it was reported by the UOJ, on 16 January the unknown tired to set fire to UOC temple of Godmother’s icon “Softening of Evil Hearts” in Syrets area in Kiev.

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