Expert forecast for 2017: The local church project to be frozen

Experts forecast how, in their opinion, the Church and state relations will develop in the coming 2017, writes Vesti (News).

"The project on the creation of the local church will be frozen. The support of the unrecognized UOC-KP has played into the hands of the UGCC, which under the guise strengthened its positions. Therefore, Patriarch Bartholomew will not receive approval from the other primates in the issue of "legalizing" the UOC-KP under the auspices of Constantinople," predicts the edition.

"A cold shower for Phanar is a recent poll of NAS of Ukraine: the largest denomination is the UOC-MP (40%), the second comes the UOC-KP (25%)," emphasized the article.

The authors predict that "it will exacerbate the situation in the UOC-KP. The episcopate will raise the issue of nominating a successor to Filaret more actively (to resolve the issue of recognition). Increase Competition between the UOC-KP and the UGCC will increase."

The publication notes that "the UGCC fears the conversion of UOC-KP into a "state church", which will put an end to the attempts of the UGCC to gain all-Ukrainian status. One thing is certain: the UAOC is not going to merge with the UOC-KP."

The article states that "the pressure on the UOC will continue, but there is a chance to return some of the seized churches." "What will happen to the Church? Look at its history: as long as we live with God, everything ‘s going to be okay," told "Vesti" Metropolitan Luka of Zaporozhye and Melitopol.

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