Leader of Ukrainian sect, who raised money for ATO, arrested in Moscow

The police operation was held at Moscow-based spiritual center “Rebirth”, which is an affiliate of the Ukrainian religious organization. Law enforcement officers detained a pastor, who led the sect, according to Interfax.

“Rebirth” site calls the detainee Vladimir Muntian an apostle. According to mass media, he has a criminal record for fraudulence. When the police came suddenly to the hotel conference-center, where “worships” were being held, the pastor tried to hide in the restroom and then mingle with the crowd of parishioners.

Reportedly, the “Rebirth” sect, with participation of the female curator from Kiev, entranced well-to-do parishioners and made them give away their money.

“Interfax” says the funds, raised during the sessions, which were accompanied by plaintive cries “Enkindle Holy Spirit” and the music, went to the ATO zone to support the military in Donbass. The parishioners were also offered to pray for Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. The police intend to check the activity of the religious organization in terms of its being extremist.

Spiritual Center “Rebirth” is a religious institution, founded by pastor Vladimir Muntian in1997. Spring up in Dnepropetrovsk, it spilt over to other cities of Ukraine, as well as Russia, Belarus and other CIS states. Currently the organization counts 320 affiliates.

In the summer of 2016 thousands of “Rebirth” adherents held an annual “college” “Moses Mountain” in Kiev. During the whole month, from 4th to 29th July, they were listening to long-lasting sermons, primarily about “healing”. Cancer disease, drug and alcohol addiction, poverty and bad luck “were healed” at sermons, exorcism being a particular success with attendees.

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