VR Vice-Speaker: there is no place for a believer in the Parliament

Vice-Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Oksana Syroed declared that there is no place for a faithful person in the Parliament. She told about it in the air program of 112 channel, on the session day of the regulatory committee, giving her comments on the case around Vadim Novinsky. It is reported by UNIAN.

“If a person believes himself religious, he should probably be in a different place, but not in the Parliament certainly,” said the Vice-Speaker.

In her opinion, most MPs-members of the committee are not lawyers and do not understand procedural requirements. “How can they verify legitimacy and justification of a suit if they are not qualified for that? As a result, we become witness to such farce. Besides, we have the Prosecutor General who is not educated in law and who, alas, adds to this farce and theatre. It has to be stopped,” noted Oksana Syroed.

The VR Vice-Speaker of Ukraine belongs to the religious sect “Renaissance”. This year she made a performance in the church of scandalous pastor Vladimir Muntian in the aftermath of Easter holidays. Reportedly, her performance was a sort of preaching where she urged that “God should be taken to politics ".

As it was reported earlier, on December 6 the VR’s regulatory committee submitted to the Parliament a recommendation on the immunity withdrawal from MP Vadim Novinsky. During the session MPs decided they hadn’t got sufficient evidence of Mr. Novinsky being involved in committing criminal offences he is currently incriminated. Novinsky himself denies his guilt and qualifies the case, initiated against him, as fabricated out of political considerations.

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