Filaret gives his blessing to host Eurovision in St. Sophia of Kiev in return of UAOC eviction (AUDIO)

An audio recording is gaining traction in social media telling how Russian pranksters Lexus and Vovan had a talk with UOC-KP leader Filaret in the name of Kiev mayor Vitaliy Klichko, according to Apostrof.

Notably, in the live program “Ring” listeners were not able to hear the whole conversation of Filaret with the prankster. “Apostrof” published a speech fragment of the UOC-KP chief, supplied by the Russian pranksters to the outlet.   

The pseudo-mayor of Kiev city asked how it could be made possible for Filaret to give his consent to an official Eurovision-2017 opening ceremony in St. Sophia’s Cathedral. The UOC-KP chief told about his desire to take control of some premises in St. Michael monastery.   

“The eighth building in St. Michael monastery… there is an autocephalous temple there, it does not occupy a big area….we would like to evict them from the place. This St. Michael monastery is out theological academy. Part of the building is owned by the autocephalous church, so we would like the contract not to be prolonged with them and have the lodging transferred to our confession,” said Filaret.   

After pseudo-Klichko had made a pre-engagement to settle the eviction issue in favor of the UOC KP, the “patriarch” gave his consent to bless from the stage all the attendees of the Eurovision-2017 opening ceremony. He was not even embarrassed by the fact of Conchita Wurst being a co-presenter.

The conversation was performed in Russian.

In the air program a talk of the UOC-KP chief with the prankster starts from 29:00.

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