Google removes 'Jews are evil' and 'Muslims are bad' search autocomplete

Google removes Jews-are-evil autocomplete phrases after the search company was accused of anti-Semitism, sexism and racism, reports RIA Novosti citing the Guardian.

Google’s autocomplete feature aims to suggest common searches after a user enters one or more words into the site’s search box or address bar of its Chrome browser. Typing the phrase “are Jews” into Google, the search engine suggested “evil”, for “are women” it again suggested “evil” and for “are Muslims” it suggested “bad”.

A Google spokesperson said: “Our search results are a reflection of the content across the web. This means that sometimes unpleasant portrayals of sensitive subject matter online can affect what search results appear for a given query. These results don’t reflect Google’s own opinions or beliefs – as a company, we strongly value a diversity of perspectives, ideas and cultures.”

This is not the first time Google and others’ autocomplete and search algorithms have caused offence.

In May 2015, Google apologized when the White House was returned as a result for searches for “nigger house” and “nigger king” within Google maps. This autumn it was reported that located in New York City skyscraper "Trump Tower” turned on Google Maps for some time into “Dump Tower”.

Earlier in the US there was a scandal because of the fact that the Google search engine offered users as prompts search examples that could work for the positive image of Trump's rival in the election. A group of researchers from California studied Internet searches in Google and alerted to the manipulative effect in favor of Hillary Clinton.

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