Prosecutor General of Ukraine argues that Prince Alexander Nevsky defeated Crusaders 700 years ago

Prince Alexander Nevsky did not fight with the Crusaders on Lake Chudskoe (Peipus). This was said by Prosecutor General Yuri Lutsenko at a meeting of the procedural committee of the Verkhovna Rada on December 6. Prosecutor General's statements were posted by Miroslava Berdnik on her Facebook page.

At the meeting, the Committee considered a request for consent to institute criminal proceedings against people’s deputy Vadim Novinsky. During the discussion, Novinsky said that Prince Alexander Nevsky defeated the Crusaders on Lake Chudskoe because there was truth behind him.

"He believed that power is in the truth and defeated the Crusaders on Lake Chudskoe (Peipus). So, behind you, Yuri Vitalievich, is power, and behind me – the truth," claimed Novinsky.

According to Berdnik, in response Lutsenko gave his own characteristic of Alexander Nevsky.

"Alexander Nevsky, as we know, did not fight with any Crusaders on any lake, but instead was the founder of the false" Russian world ", whose followers we see and hear here," said the Prosecutor General.

Novinsky did not agree with this interpretation: "Alexander Nevsky, as far as I remember, was a prince of Kiev, resided here for some time and restored Kiev after the invasion of Baty-khan, as far as the "Russian world" is concerned. So history should be studied," suggested the MP.

Previously the UOJ reported that Yuri Lutsenko cursed the "non-Orthodox lawyer" of Novinsky.

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