Bankovaya prevents "party of war" from taking antichurch bill, – expert

The head of the analytical center "Third Sector", political analyst Andrei Zolotarev believes that bills №№ 4128 and 4511 demonstrate the political rhetoric of radical forces, but as long as common sense is present in decision-making in the Parliament, these initiatives will remain on paper, commented the politologist on the withdrawn of the notorious bill № 4128from the agenda yesterday.

"Common sense of the president's team prevailed over some short-term political considerations, – says Andrei Zolotarev. – It is clear that the bill, in effect, legitimizes church raiding in the church field and carries a huge destructive potential for the country, producing conflicts on religious grounds. Not surprisingly, it has been promoted by the "party of war", which draws on the aggravation of the situation, not only in relations with Russia, but also within the country: dividing religious denominations into the "right" and the "wrong". But the fact that on Thursday instead of considering the expected bill "On introduction of the visa regime with Russia", a moratorium on sale of agricultural land was voted says that Bankovaya controls the VR. That is, in the Parliament different speeches can sound, but the influence controlling interest belongs to Bankovaya. And just because of its position, common sense wins and ridiculous bills are not even considered. "

The political scientist noted that a similar fate awaits bill № 4511 (On the special status of religious organizations, whose administrative centers are located in the state recognized by the VR as an "aggressor state"), even despite the fact that on 6 October, the Committee on Culture and Spirituality recommended the Verkhovna Rada to adopt it at first reading.

"This bill obviously violates the Constitution, – said Zolotarev. – Ukraine is a secular state and cannot interfere into the Church affairs. I hope that this bill will remain only on paper and at the level of political rhetoric. "

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