UOC denied the information about common prayer with Kiev Patriarchate

The Ukrainian Orthodox Church denied the information about the common prayer and close communion with the priests of the UOC-Kiev Patriarchate, as some media have already interpreted the opening of the monument to the first Metropolitan of Bukovina and Dalmatia Eugene Hakman held on September 25.

The opening of the monument took place with the support of the Zastavnitsy district administration, so state officials invited representatives of all denominations. Metropolitan Chernovtsy and Bukovina Meletiy held a lity for the dead. Metropolitan Daniel, presenting the UOC-KP, was to sanctify the monument.

According to a UOJ source, a representative of the Kiev Patriarchate refused. Then Bishop Meletiy asked him not to break an event scenario.

"Apparently, the so-called Metropolitan Daniel was in a bad mood because of the fact that almost nobody came to the local monastery of the Kiev Patriarchate, where he had served the morning liturgy, – says the secretary of the Chernovtsy and Bukovina Diocese, Archimandrite Nikita (Storozhuk). – Probably, such a conversation (not to break the scenario [sic]) between Bishop Meletiy and Metropolitan Daniel journalists considered "common prayer and communion." But nothing of the kind actually happened."

Later in interview with Metropolitan Daniel, the journalist interpreted the fact of presenting a photo of Metropolitan Eugene Hakman by the priesthood of the UOC to the Kiev Patriarchate representatives as the beginning of a dialogue between confessions. But such pictures were addressed and distributed to all present at the opening of the monument.

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