The UOC reported about violation of believers’ rights in Ukraine (VIDEO)

The Kiev-Pechersk Lavra hosted a briefing for the Ambassadors of European states and the USA, as well as human rights organizations, on discrimination of believers of the canonical Church in Ukraine.

“None of the registered offences against the faithful is investigated duly, declared head of the UOC Synodal Department Bishop Kliment (Vecheria). – MIA authorities have not taken any actions to bring the guilty to justice. Attention should be drawn to the fact similar cases have been repeatedly encountered by the OSCE Monitoring Mission, reflected in the report of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, as well as in the report for the current year made by the US State Department, which highlights all violations of rights and freedoms of the UOC believers. Unfortunately, the incidence of attacks of the faithful in Ukraine is only growing.”

Deputy head of the UOC DECR Archpriest Nikolay Danilevich accentuated that representatives of the Church do not want such precedents to spoil the reputation of Ukraine at the international arena.

“We do not seek preferences, we just want that our rights be honored,” emphasized Archpriest Nikolay Danilevich.

Head of the UOC Law Department Archpriest Alexandr Bahov paid special attention to anti-church per se draft laws №№ 4128 и 4511, which, in his opinion, violate the rights of religious communities and spur raiding.

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