UOC believers aid internally displaced persons, orphans and the needy

In Odessa and Kropivnitsky UOC believers provided humanitarian aid to internally displaced persons, orphans and the needy, reports the Information and Education Department of the UOC

September 14, the Coordination Centre of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Odessa diocese handed over humanitarian food aid to138 families, which include internally displaced people from the eastern regions of Ukraine and Odessa citizens who are in need of such assistance.

All are welcome to participate in the charity event – every church of the Odessa diocese runs collection points for food and cash funds, which are sent to the Coordination Centre for further distribution among the needy.

For more than two years of work the Humanitarian Centre of the Odessa diocese collected and passed into the zone of armed conflict more than 200 tons of food, medicine and clothing. It also donated more than 3 million UAH for treatment of Ukrainian citizens who suffered from the military conflict, and to support large families and the needy.
September 12, in the Kirovohrad diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church the head of the department for charity and social service Archpriest Ioann Shemediuk handed over to orphans from the "Centre of social and psychological rehabilitation of children" clothes, shoes and toys. The aid is gathered by the parishioners of the Holy Transfiguration Cathedral. Many things are intended for infants.

Recently, Archpriest Peter Kotiuk, the rector of St. George’s Church in vil. Zavorichi, Brovary district, has visited a large family. The family has six children and lives in precarious circumstances. Parishioners collected for them sweets and toys.

Father Peter said: "Without mercy, we are not Christians. If children from childhood see and feel love and support, in the future they will never pass over trouble and other people's problems."

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