Vandals robbed the UOC Cathedral in Nikolayev

Unknown evil doers in Nikolayev robbed Saint Simon Cathedral of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Zavodskoy city district. It is reported by the Communications Department of the Main National Police Directorate of Nikolayev region.

Having damaged a metal plastic window, the vandals penetrated into the Saint Simon Cathedral, located in General Karpenko Street in Zavodskoy district of Nikolayev, and stole donations of the parishioners – gold and silver ware placed inside icons.

Upon this fact there began a criminal proceeding by the signs of Part 3 Article 185 of the CC of Ukraine (“Theft”), whose sanction foresees punishment of imprisonment for a term of tree up to six years.

Currently law enforcement officials are taking actions to establish and detain the persons involved in committing of the above crime.

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