Same-sex marriage issue can split the Church of England

A number of parishes in England are discussing a possibility of separating from the Church of England due to the “blurring” of its many-century dogma – first and foremost, it concerns its probable approval of homosexual relationships. It is reported by RIA News.

Peter Sanlon, vicar of St. Marc Tanbridge Wales diocese (Kent County), declared that in the event of the Anglican Church recognizing same-sex marriages, there will be a “real split” danger. “Archbishop of Canterbury made it clear he is aware of the possibility of a considerable share of the Church rejecting dogmatic changes. It might trigger off split,” he said. 

Communities of three dioceses – Rochester, Canterbury and Chichester – are already engaged in the discussion of probable creation of the independent structure within the Church of England. Community members state the church top hierarchy “blurs” the dogmata and undermines the Bible authority.

To date, the Anglican Church recognizes marriage as “a union between a man and a woman”. However, the issue of recognizing homosexuality has led to intra-church controversies for many years now.

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