Kiev Patriarchate is set to grab the church of St. Andrew

The Kiev Patriarchate turned to the Ministry of Culture wishing to be transferred St. Andrew’s church for worships. Simultaneously the UOC KP demonstrates hostile behavior towards the UAOC, which can testify to the former’s takeover attempts. It is reported by Vesti.

UOC KP’s internal correspondence – letters of Filaret to the MoC – proves that the KP intends to come into ownership of St. Andrew’s church. “Over 20 years the UOC KP has used the stylobate building and born the expenses for repair works. We know the current user has treated the church with negligence, stirring up conflicts with the museum,” Filaret’s letters say.  “It’s consistent then that the UOC KP’s wishes are taken into account and an agreement is concluded.” 

The Ministry of Culture does not confirm claims of the UOC KP. According to Director of the Department for Religions Andrey Yurash, restoration works in St. Andrew’s church will last for long. “Inflow of visitors during the worships is insecure and the issue can be settled only after the works have been finished,” he said.

The UAOC have confirmed the KP’s takeover claims. “They are thinking about a way to grab the church. Their actions are unlawful – the worship issue was regulated by the Cabinet of Ministers in 2001, said the UAOC bishop Viktor Bed’. – At the end of 2015 they began repair works there, and access to the church for Vladyka Makariy was blocked. The works have been unreasonably procrastinated.”

UOC KP priest Pavel Dobryanskiy announced that “As regards St. Andrew’s church, the reason of not holding worships there is the pressure on UAOC, which one needs to deprive of autocephaly and transfer to the KP. One has to keep autocephaly through getting united.”

As the outlet reports, it was recognized anonymously in the church environment: the KP has done away with the UAOC role as a partner. “A course has been set towards intimidation and tough pressure, aimed at twisting the arms to make the Autocephalous Church yield to takeover. For this reason they are depicted as “marginal”, said our source. According to the information I have, representatives of the UOC KP at the highest level forbad having anything in common with the UAOC. After the Maidan part of the UOC KP got pride-sick: they have developed big ambitions,” confirmed the UAOC bishop Viktor Bed’.

Changing of the character of the Kiev Patriarchate’s attitude towards the UAOC and other Christian denominations is reiterated by political expert Ruslan Bortnik. “They are involved in political scenarios at the highest possible level, respond and try to influence state-run processes. They have appeared in a favorable situation, since their church is attended by governmental officials. They hurry up to take advantage of the situation, ultimately consolidate their positions and take a chance to become the only state church. As a result, it affects the faithful,” he says.

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