Church-scientific conference "Church - Science - Society: Issues of Interaction" takes place in Kiev

On May 25 started XIV International Conference "Church – Science – Society: Issues of Interaction", dedicated to the memory of the Kiev Metropolitan Eugene (Bolkhovitinov), reports the press service of the Kiev-Pechersk Historical and Cultural Reserve.

The opening was attended by the First vice-rector of the Kiev Theological Academy, Archpriest Sergei Yuschik. He welcomed the participants and read the greeting addressed to the Conference by the Rector of the KThA&S, Metropolitan Anthony of Boryspil (Pakanich).

On the first day of the forum, participants discussed issues related to the theme "The Christian Church in Europe from Early Middle Ages to Modern Times: Interdisciplinary Research." On May 26 the work takes place in sections "Research and Conservation of Christian Monuments: Theory and Practice" and "Christian Church of the XIX-XX Century: Sources, History and Historiography."

Within the framework of the conference, participants will visit Lazarevsky Educational and Research Institute of History, Ethnology and Law in Chernigov and Oster city, where church archaeological research will be discussed.

The conference is organised by the National Kiev-Pechersk Historical and Cultural Preserve, together with the Kiev Theological Academy, and will run until June 3.

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