UOC Public Affairs Manager: the Church is a fortress where people find rescue, and persecution is arrows falling on it

The UOC Public Affairs Manager, Metropolitan Anthony (Pakanich) said that the Church does not only unite the faithful around Christ, but also brings us peace and helps overcome loneliness, from which people escape into the Internet, reports 2000ua.

"Indeed, today it may seem that we live in a society where harmony reigns. However, when we stay alone, the haze of comfort cannot overcome the fear of loneliness. We plunge into the Internet, are absorbed in various TV programs because it is very difficult to be alone with ourselves, realizing we are sinful," said Metropolitan Anthony.

Bishop reminded that the Church gives strength to in all of us, sometimes separated by resentment, vanity, hatred, to overcome everything and become One Body of Christ. The UOC Public Affairs Manager said that it is important today to strive for humility and struggle with pride, despite the fact that being humble is considered to be a weakness, while the ability to walk all over people is appreciated.

"We must remember that the Church can never live in comfort, since under such conditions there cannot be any salvation. The human soul goes to Heaven along a narrow path through thorns and trials. So the Church develops only through suffering, " he stressed.

Bishop also compared the Church with the fortress where people find rescue, and persecution of the Church – with arrows, which shower the fortress from morning till night. But, as Metropolitan Anthony said, it is not the arrows that hurt the Church, as She always defends the truth, but dissents. "But the Church of Christ, as a loving mother, does not want them (schismatics) to die. She always waits for such people to return to their father’s home," said Metropolitan Anthony.

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