UOC Believers in Ptycha Stay without Food and Water in the Besieged Church for Third Day

In the village of Ptycha, Dubno district, representatives of the UOC-KP have been blocking the entrance to the Holy Dormition Church for three days. The believers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the village of Ptycha stay besieged in their church without food and water, reports the site of the Rivne diocese.

Representatives of the Kiev Patriarchate, blocking the entrance to the church, prevent the food and water supply to the people inside, by appealing to the alleged illegality of their stay there.

"The UOC believers have the right to stay in the church, unlawful are the actions of the police officers and authorities who allowed such a situation. The right of the UOC religious community to be in their church is confirmed by four court decisions, so no one can restrict it. According to the provisions of current national and international legislation, the right of ownership is inviolable,” said the human rights activist of the Rivne diocese.

"Respect for fundamental rights, including religious, is an integral part of the general principles of law, the observance of which must be provided by the state. Officials of all ranks are obliged to inform the KP community that according to the legislation in force, they cannot make any claims to the Holy Dormition Church," the lawyer added.

It should be recalled that on March 30, around 8:00, representatives of the KP blocked the highway Kyiv-Chop, demanding to implement the decision of the court for the arrest of the church in Ptycha. They insist that the UOC believers leave the church.

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